We provide real-time tracking updates for all ParcelHero® deliveries. If you want to track your parcel, simply enter one or more tracking numbers in the parcel tracking box below to see where your parcel is and its current delivery status.
Enter your parcel tracking number in the box below and click 'Track my parcel':
ParcelHero partners with the world's best couriers to deliver our parcels so whether you need to use our DPD tracking service, DHL or UPS tracking, you can track your package direct from this page. From collection to final delivery, we provide regular scan updates. Scans tell you where your parcel is and its current status.
Here is a quick guide to status terms and what they mean:
If your parcel's status is shown as 'exception', this means there is a potential delay or issue with your delivery. This could be for a number of different reasons so please check the scan information and contact the ParcelHero® customer service team if you need further advice.
These are the main reasons a shipment could get an exception scan:
One of the most common causes of delays when using a courier service, is making an error with the address you're shipping to.This can be easily avoided if you use our postcode checker, or the postcode look-up prompt within our Quick Quote booking tool.
International deliveries have a greater risk of being delayed as they have to travel through customs. When you track your international parcel you will see it has a lot more scans than a UK parcel as it will undergo more transit and handling stages before arriving in the delivery country. The most likely delay when sending an international delivery is your package being held at customs. In this event, ParcelHero will always provide the latest tracking status and help with a swift resolution.
If you are tracking your package and discover that your shipment has been delayed in customs, it is generally the receiver that the carrier will want to contact so they can either verify the receiver's details or arrange payment of any applicable duties and taxes before releasing the package. ParcelHero customer services can offer advice here but you can help resolve this by asking your parcel's recipient to make contact with the courier to resolve the delay.
As soon as the shipment is in transit again, the tracking status will change from 'Exception' to 'In-transit' and your parcel should be cleared for final delivery within 24 hours.
Whether you want to track a parcel from China or track a UK package, ParcelHero's advanced tracking tools provide real time visibility from door to door.